Fall planting indeed has several advantages for perennial flowers, as described in the passage you provided.
Here's a summary of those benefits and the recommended plants for fall planting:
Encourages Root Development: Fall planting allows plants to establish and develop strong root systems during the cool, slow-growing period of winter. This prepares them for the upcoming summer.
Winter Moisture: Winter moisture is beneficial for most perennials. It helps them thrive, especially if your soil is well-drained.
Plant Bargains: Many nurseries put perennial shrubs and flowers on sale in the fall to clear their winter inventory, making it an excellent time to find plant bargains.
Extended Bloom Period: Spring-blooming flowers and shrubs benefit from fall planting because it leads to a fuller bloom period in the spring.
Here are some recommended perennial plants for fall planting, as mentioned in the passage:
Hinckley Columbine (Texas Gold Columbine): Native to the Big Bend area, this plant has nodding yellow flowers and mounding foliage. It thrives in shade but can also grow in sunny locations. It's best planted in loose soil with regular watering.
Scabiosa (Pincushion Plant): This plant offers year-round bloom with lavender pink or lavender blue flowers. It features scallop-edged flower heads with tiny stamens and low evergreen foliage. It prefers sun or part shade, loose soil, and can tolerate drought and heat.
Powis Castle Artemesia (Wormwood): This plant adds a touch of silver to winter beds and produces aromatic gray foliage in the spring. It's a tough plant, but it's important not to overwater it during the warm months.
Iris: Irises, including bearded iris, Dutch iris, spuria, Louisiana iris, Siberian iris, and Japanese iris, are classic choices for fall planting. They come in various colors and grow well in full sun to part shade.
Salvia Greggii: A quintessential Texas shrub, Salvia greggii is a small, evergreen bush that blooms in various colors all summer long. It's drought-tolerant and attracts pollinators. Fall planting can help it establish a mature root system quickly.
These plants offer a range of colors, sizes, and growing conditions, making them suitable for various garden styles and preferences. Planting them in the fall can lead to healthy, thriving perennial beds and extended bloom periods.